Hiatus - 2021-Jan-10

It's dark outside.

The COVID plague is raging through my country, my state, my county, my neighborhood... Friends and neighbors are sick.

I've decided to take a hiatus from the creation of daily(ish) reports. It takes some time to create them. More than I had hoped, I've found. So, some refinements will be necessary. My whole goal is to quickly identify stories that I find interesting. Currently, the stories that get sorted to the top of the list are not so much to my liking. I end up sifting through about 350 story posts per week.

So, I'm going to hibernate. Concentrate on health. Meditate on improvements. Version 4 will be better than ever!

Stay safe and healthy!




  1. Ooooh, version 4. What are you lucubrating? ;)

    USA seems to be about to become a bit more violent, according to the news I've saw. I'd invite you to come over but my house is already too crowded and my budget too tight. So, you know, be careful and... I may be getting old but..., it's like everything is getting worse and worse... What a shitty year.


    1. I'm just hoping that we can all survive until Jan 21st. Then Biden will be President and we'll be able to reduce our list of exceptional and immediate life threatening concerns back to just COVID (which is spreading like wildfire). Unfortunately, it will still be months before a vaccine will make it into my arm.

    2. So how is it going? Any project you'd want to mention, if you wanted to mention projects. ;) I had a couple of ideas to write stuff, but... Yeah, there's nothing after the "but", only a "but".

      Yesterday I watched 'The fountainhead' and... Holt shit... It's unforgettable for the wrong reasons. Unlike David Cronenberg's 'Crash', unforgettable for the right reasons.

      Anyways, take care and all that. Viruses are like people: assholes. :)


    3. BIden is president. COVID numbers are dropping. The days are getting longer... I've been improving my software development skills. Before... I would glance at everything new on websites. Now... I'm writing huge filters that toss stuff before I even look at it... The results are not so democratic... Much more selfish. But, I still haven't figured out how I want the results displayed. Regardless... the project is definitely not dead. Hope you are staying clear of viruses / assholes....


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