BDSM Survey - 2020-Jul-31
BDSM I'm Dating Our Mailgirl Ch. 14 by CorbinC Pages: 3 - Distance: 110.394 m Category: BDSM Post Date: 07/30/2020 Description: Nine shows her sadistic side. Tags: bdsm, lesbian, lesbian sex, naked in public, polyamory, rimming Survey Terms: punished, whip, cage, punishment, lesbian, manacles, bound, manacled, collar, chain, punish, whips, welt, the tube, locked, whipping, captivating, chains, wardrobe, blackmailing, lock, lesbians, vibrator, lesbianism, cell Page 1 ...I hesitated before speaking, but eventually I filled the void with a meek assertion, "I agree; joyce is the one who should be punished ." I had no trouble uttering the "p" word, punished . I certainly recognized what I was setting up, as joyce most certainly did also. I still don't think poor naive 9 had a clue. ... Page 1 ...As captivating as my story was, 9 appeared to be tiring. I guess she wanted us to get in a little love making as she started nibbling at my breasts. She moved to my puss...